Author Topic: DGM - News  (Read 2869 times)


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DGM - News
« on: January 11, 2013, 05:47:57 pm »
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
 in autumn 2013, scheduled from 19th September to 20th September 2013, the 6th Forming Technology Forum  will take place. The event is arranged by the Institute of Metal  Forming and Casting (Prof. Dr. W. Volk, TU München) and the Institute of  Virtual Manufacturing (Prof. Dr. P. Hora, ETH Zürich) in cooperation  with the DGM.
 The strategic focus lies in the Modelling of process chains and interfaces for sheet metal forming.

  Industrial processes get more and more complex, especially in the  field of sheet metal forming. Many steps have to be performed until the  requests concerning design, part properties and manufacturing strategies  are achieved. Within that framework the global treatment and  consideration of process chains for sheet metal forming is mandatory in  order to be able to utilize synergy effects. Interfaces between the  different process steps and models of these sophisticated process chains  enable more efficient strategies both for the design and the  manufacturing processes. This gives rise to reduction of development  time, simultaneously effort, but also an increase in quality, what is  essentially for competitive sheet metal forming in future. Hence the  strategic topic of the conference is promising for industry as well as  for researchers acting in the thematic area of sheet metal forming.
  The conference will be splitted into two parallel sessions; a  research-academic and an industrial-application oriented one. Thus,  besides an overall representation of all relevant topics, a good balance  between academic approaches and the realization in practice is  guaranteed. Conference language for the research session is English,  while for the application session the speaker has the choice between  English and German.
  The conference will take place at the Haus der bayerischen  Landwirtschaft in Herrsching (near Munich), Germany. The location is  situated in a remote place near the Ammersee. Beside the participation  in the conference Herrsching also offers the chance of resting in an  Arcadian atmosphere. While having a get-together-dinner at the famous  Andechs Monastery, there will not only be the possibility for further  discussion and to engross the impressions of the presentations and  talks, but also for networking in a cozy and chummily circle.
  The following subjects will be discussed:
  • Virtual planning processes:  knowledge-based simulation, systematic lessons-learned-processes,  digital factory, augmented reality, virtual commissioning and  initiation, holistic producibility rating, …
  • Coupling manufacturing process – functional design: crash-stamp-coupling, production-based engineering, producibility-appearance-coupling, form-follows-function, …
  • CAD-CAE-CAM-interfaces:  digitalization and reverse engineering, feedback simulation and  optimization results, machine data transfer, nullification and variance  comparison, …
  • Load-based tool design: press-tool-interface, material- and design-based lightweight construction, experimental evaluation of effective tool load, …
The above list is not exhaustive and papers on  other topics associated with the conference’s strategic topic are  welcome. In general contributions dealing with experiments and/or  modelling of process chains and interfaces for sheet metal forming will  be considered.
  The organizer invite prospective authors to submit an abstract  relating to the conference topics. Abstracts should be submitted through  the conference website:
    Please click here for downloading the Call for Abstracts. To open the abstract system please click:
 The deadline for abstract submission is 15 March 2013.
  Updated information is available under the conference homepage:
  We would appreciate if you could promote our conference to your  colleagues who might be interested in coming to Herrsching and  contributing to the meeting.
 For further information or any questions please contact the conference organisation INVENTUM GmbH, Alexia Ploetz, via e-mail:
 We are looking forward to your participation and would be delighted to welcome you in Herrsching,
 Your FTF 2013 Congress Office

 • Euro BioMat 2013 – European Symposium on Biomaterials and Related Areas
  23.-24.04.2013 in Weimar, Germany ---
 • EnMat II - 2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy
  12.-16.05.2013 in Karlsruhe, Germany  ---
 • 19. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde
  03.-05.07.2013 in Karlsruhe, Germany  ---
 • Euro LightMAT 2013 – European Symposium on Aluminium, Magnesium, Titanium
  03.-05.09.2013 in Bremen, Germany  ---
 • 6th Forming Technology Forum 2013 – Herrsching, Germany
  19.- 20. Sept 2013, Herrsching, Germany ---
 • Intelligent Materials – European Symposium on Intelligent Materials
  25.-27.09.2013 in Kiel, Germany ---
  • Intermetallics 2013
  30.09.-04.10.2013, Banz, Germany  ---
[align=left]Arne Pospiech

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