...Einige Änderungen wurden am Dienstag für die SDK Lizenzen durchgeführt und das Aktivierungsproblem sollte nun gelöst sein. Bitte versuchen Sie die Software nochmal zu aktivieren und geben Sie uns Bescheid, falls weitere Fehlermeldungen vorkommen.Mit freundlichen Grüßen,SolidWorks Student RegistrationDassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp.300 Baker Avenue | Concord | MA | 01742 | USA
Below is a summary of your activation requestWarning: SWActivateResponse_90000084************9HB4_943528J5F9BBJHC9.txt: Serial number not valid for this SolidWorks version.Please contact your reseller. (3/0)
Thank you for contacting Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. Technical Support.We have received your e-mail, and the following Service Request has been generated for this issue: SR # 1-2298232751.Any further email correspondence regarding this Service Request should be sent to by replying to this message. Please include this message in full in your reply.One of our Technical Support Engineers will respond to this request as soon as possible.