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- AG Interna
3 posts of the board's 23 posts (13.04%)13.04%
- Gemeldete Beiträge
113 posts of the board's 1857 posts (6.09%)6.09%
- Verwarnungen
15 posts of the board's 305 posts (4.92%)4.92%
- Fachliteratur
4 posts of the board's 252 posts (1.59%)1.59%
- Erstsemester-Unterstützung
32 posts of the board's 2065 posts (1.55%)1.55%
- Board News und Support
8 posts of the board's 697 posts (1.15%)1.15%
- Jobs, Praktika und Auslandsstudium
14 posts of the board's 1305 posts (1.07%)1.07%
- Wissenswertes
7 posts of the board's 742 posts (0.94%)0.94%
- Links/Lehrmaterialien 3./4. Semester
4 posts of the board's 440 posts (0.91%)0.91%
- Belege 9./10. Semester
1 posts of the board's 114 posts (0.88%)0.88%